Climate change accelerating in California
Climate change is the greatest threat to humanity. Here’s how filmmakers have tried to make sense of it all
As climate change cements itself as the greatest modern threat to humanity, filmmakers have increasingly varied how they depict its widespread effects.
Climate change disaster isn’t a future threat - it’s already here
From the historic heat wave tearing through the Pacific Northwest to temperatures "too hot for humanity" in Pakistan, the consequences of climate change are no longer a far-off threat — they're here right now.
Climate tipping points could topple like dominoes, warn scientists
Ice sheets and ocean currents at risk of climate tipping points can destabilise each other as the world heats up, leading to a domino effect with severe consequences for humanity, according to a risk analysis.
Humanity is almost certainly doomed, scientists say
The planet, as you may have heard, is in pretty bad shape. But the immense scale of the threats posed by global climate change and human-induced biodiversity loss could be even more grave than people understand
Daniel Immerwahr: How trees made us human
What could drive humans to extinction?
What if human extinction is a looming reality? In fact, researchers around the world spend their days grappling with this very possibility, and how we might avoid it.