hydrofluoric acid
Philadelphia proposes banning hydrofluoric acid, a toxic chemical released in refinery explosion
The proposal stems from last summer's explosion at the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery in South Philadelphia.
Philadelphia’s report on refinery site: A cleaner use, while desirable, isn’t likely in the short term
The City of Philadelphia doesn't see a cleaner use for the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery complex in the near future. It does, however, recommend one for the long term.
Activists take over meeting on Philly refinery cleanup, demand public involvement
One protester said, “Ain't no meeting going on if you're not going to do it the way it's supposed to be done. We were supposed to be part of the process — we're going to be part of the process or ain't going to be no process."
Chemical Safety Board says PES refinery explosion ‘did not have to happen’
The report by the Chemical Safety Board shows for the first time that some amount of the dangerous hydrofluoric acid was released to the atmosphere.
Philly refinery blast released 5,000 pounds of deadly chemical, federal investigators say
Philadelphia refinery site — including dangerous chemical — declared under control 3 months after fire, explosion
The site of a refinery explosion and fire that rocked South Philadelphia last June and led to the refinery's shutdown is now under control.