indigenous treaty rights

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First Nations sue over Treaty 9, raising questions on Ring of Fire

Arguing that resource extraction has violated Indigenous jurisdiction for over a century, the case could stall the Ontario government’s plans to mine the Ring of Fire
unpaid indigenous treaty annuities

Billions have been made on Robinson Huron Treaty lands. First Nations could finally get a fair share

Canada broke its promise to share profits from nickel, copper, uranium, lumber and fish. Now, a provincial judge and the Supreme Court of Canada will both weigh in on fair payback.

BC Caribou or coal mine

Caribou or coal mine?

BC rejected the Sukunka mine to protect one threatened herd. Now it considers an application from Telkwa Coal.
Blueberry River First Nation B.C. court win

How the Blueberry ruling in B.C. is a gamechanger for the Site C dam, extractive industries and Indigenous Rights

In a precedent-setting ruling, B.C.'s Supreme Court found the province guilty of breaching its obligations to Treaty Rights through decades of cumulative impacts. Now, the impact of that ruling is reverberating across the country.

First Nations win precedent-setting Treaty Rights case

Blueberry River First Nations win precedent-setting Treaty Rights case

The B.C. government breached its obligations under Treaty 8 by permitting forestry, oil and gas, hydro and mining development, the B.C. Supreme Court has ruled
For First Nations in Canada, being 'poor enough’ is barrier in fight for rights

For First Nations in Canada, being 'poor enough’ is barrier in fight for rights

Even though Indigenous Rights are recognized under Indigenous law, the Canadian constitution, treaties and precedent-setting court cases, negotiations between the Crown and Indigenous Peoples often fail First Nations, forcing communities to spend millions just to get their day in court.