international monetary fund

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Who pays the bill for climate change?

A plan led by Barbados could remake the way the world of finance deals with the climate crisis.
climate impacts weather

At Cop27, plans to overhaul the IMF and World Bank gain traction

As global warming delivers cascading weather disasters, leaders at U.N. climate talks say it’s time to radically overhaul the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
At COP27, plans to overhaul the IMF and World Bank gain traction
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

At COP27, plans to overhaul the IMF and World Bank gain traction

As global warming delivers cascading weather disasters, leaders at U.N. climate talks say it’s time to radically overhaul the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
Barbados will be among the first to receive climate money from new IMF resilience trust

Barbados will be among the first to receive climate money from new IMF resilience trust

Under the program, the Caribbean nation is set to receive $183 million for climate-focused spending from a $45 billion trust set up by the IMF.
climate justice costs developing countries

Who pays for climate havoc?

There’s growing grievance against a global system that saddles developing countries with debt after extreme weather disasters.
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The Barbados rebellion: An island nation's fight for climate justice

The Barbados rebellion: An island nation's fight for climate justice

The Caribbean is trapped between crushing debt and a climate disaster caused by rich nations. Prime Minister Mia Mottley is battling for a fairer system.