issues pollution health
As warming risks rise, Boston pastor sees need to spur climate justice'
Reverend Mariama White-Hammond's mission to stop climate change impacts hitting black and minority communities hardest began when she volunteered in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Time to tackle two crises at once, activist Thunberg says on Earth Day
Coronavirus tops 'perfect storm' of climate challenges, says Prince Charles
The growing global coronavirus outbreak is making already complex efforts to speed up action on climate change more challenging, Britain's Prince Charles said on Tuesday.
Youth urge adults to stop 'acting like children' on climate change
With children and young people increasingly at risk from extreme weather and out in the streets demanding faster action on global warming, efforts to respect and promote their rights in climate policy need to step up.
Drastic shift in city lifestyles urged to avert climate crisis
You bound out of bed in your wood-framed eco-home, throw on a rented dress, jump on an electric bike and head to the "tool library" to borrow a trowel to plant your vegetable patch.
A very vegan New Year: increasing numbers sign up for meat-free resolution
As rising numbers of people start 2019 vowing to go vegan for environmental and other reasons, chefs, restaurants and supermarkets are jumping on the often-ridiculed bandwagon.