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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
houston pollution coronavirus toxics politics

Pollution returns to Houston, as coranavirus restrictions loosen

Houston's air pollution is returning to normal levels, following a period of cleaner skies during the stay-at-home orders put in place to slow the spread the coronavirus.

How long can the fracking spending spree last?

How long can the fracking spending spree last?

After a decade of U.S. oil and gas companies spending beyond their means, a debate is underway in the energy and investment sectors on whether to keep pumping money into oil fields to keep the boom going full-speed. Or with interest rates rising and investors demanding better returns, are fracking firms going to have to live within their cash flows?
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As Congress promotes carbon capture, lack of pipelines slows companies looking to cash in

As Congress promotes carbon capture, lack of pipelines slows companies looking to cash in

Few pipelines are available to move the carbon captured from industrialized areas such as the Houston Ship Channel to remote oil fields where it can be used and stored underground.