jimmy carter
Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash
Is Jimmy Carter where environmentalism went wrong?
Carter’s austerity was part of a bigger project. It didn’t really have much to do with environmentalism.
Photo by Latrach Med Jamil on Unsplash
Jimmy Carter legacy on energy efficiency, environment, and climate
Carter was “the first president to pass a law on energy efficiency standards that had teeth,” says Jay Hakes, a former administrator of the Energy Information Administration and former director of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library.
Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash
Unheralded environmentalist: Jimmy Carter’s green legacy
With the former president now in hospice care, Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer Kai Bird looks back on Jimmy Carter’s environmental record in the White House — from his sweeping protection of Alaska’s wild lands to his efforts to push the nation toward renewable energy.
Biden voids Trump-era deal to open Alaskan wildlife area
The administration canceled a plan that would have allowed road construction in Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.
James Marvin Phelps/Flickr
John Leshy: Utah wants to disable the law that led to the creation of four of its magnificent National Parks
A lawsuit all but invited by the country’s chief justice threatens one the most consequential authorities granted to presidents by Congress.
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Biden has 'only bad options' for bringing down oil prices
The president’s trip to Saudi Arabia is unlikely to reduce oil and gasoline prices, and it is not clear that anything else he might do would work, either.
Alaska’s environmental battles
Long-running environmental disputes in Alaska are like the state’s volcanoes. They can be quiet for years, but rumble to life now and then, venting a little steam here, a little lava there. Only once in a while is there a full-blown eruption.