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CNX Shapiro fracking
Universities' ties to fossil fuel firms may stall climate progress, study warns
Nike investors seek changes on climate, labor and gender equity policies, but their proposals face rejection
Republicans push bill to speed energy project approvals
Sunrise Movement, a growing electoral force, faces "painful moment"

Sunrise Movement, a growing electoral force, faces "painful moment"

Sunrise feels growing pains amid a slew of electoral victories, raging arctic wildfires, and a vanishing ice sheet.
'Green New Deal' Democrat aims for a Texas oil patch upset

'Green New Deal' Democrat aims for a Texas oil patch upset

Progressive candidate Jessica Cisneros is hoping for an AOC-style win against powerful Democratic House incumbent Henry Cuellar in Tuesday's primary.
House Democratic campaign arm nears war with liberals over primary fights

House Democratic campaign arm nears war with liberals over primary fights

Liberal Democrats are infuriated by a new Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee policy intended to protect centrist incumbents from primary challenges.