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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
Sifting through mud, flooded Canadians fear next disaster

Sifting through mud, flooded Canadians fear next disaster

Washed-out roads and destroyed bridges are just some of the devastation afflicting residents of the western province and could signal what climate change will bring in the future.
flooding climate impacts
Photo by Nguyen Kiet on Unsplash

British Columbia's flooding is worse because of climate change

After a summer of deadly heat and uncontrolled wildfires, British Columbia was hit by record rainfalls that forced the evacuation of towns and destroyed highways and rail lines.

Indigenous people advance a dramatic goal: Reversing colonialism

Indigenous people advance a dramatic goal: Reversing colonialism

Fifty years of patient advocacy, including the shocking discovery of a mass burial site at Kamloops, have secured once-unthinkable gains.
Trudeau climate record complicated by gas emissions increase

Trudeau climate record complicated by gas emissions increase

Canada is the only G7 nation whose greenhouse gas emissions have increased since the Paris Agreement. The main reason: its oil sands.
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Canada Supreme Court rules federal carbon tax is constitutional

Canada Supreme Court rules federal carbon tax is constitutional

In rejecting a request from some provinces to strike down national carbon pricing, the court declared that the measure meets an important national need.
Keystone rejection tests Trudeau's balancing act on climate and energy

Keystone rejection tests Trudeau's balancing act on climate and energy

While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shares the incoming president’s climate change agenda, the Canadian leader is also a pipeline proponent.