koch industries

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U.S. Steel Pennsylvania pollution
Protest sign that says Keep the frack out of my water
ANWR energy development debate
Degrowth's challenge lies in overcoming political and global resistance
Charles Koch SCOTUS deregulation
Credit: Kevin Moloney/Fortune Brainstorm TECH/Flickr

A potentially huge Supreme Court case has a hidden conservative backer

The case, to be argued by lawyers linked to the petrochemicals billionaire Charles Koch, could sharply curtail the government’s regulatory authority.
Koch Industries political influence
Fortune Brainstorm TECH/Flickrhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/PHOTOGRAPH BY KEVIN MOLONEY/Fortune Brainstorm TECH

‘Get the right cases to the supreme court’: inside Charles Koch’s network

Billionaire’s web of rightwing groups works to bring cases to court that could undermine core functionings of the US government.

Koch Industries political influence
Tony Webster/Flickr

Canada defends Doug Ford against Koch Industries

Koch is demanding a US$30M refund in international court, leaving Canada to prop up Ontario’s decision to backtrack on climate — after fighting it at home.

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Koch Industries bets big on U.S. batteries

Koch Industries, built on oil, bets big on U.S. batteries

Charles Koch’s energy-based conglomerate is emerging as one of the biggest battery investors in the U.S.
Doug Ford cancelling cap-and-trade

Doug Ford cancelling cap-and-trade will cost all Canadians

Newly public documents reveal the Progressive Conservatives stonewalled Koch Industries' requests for compensation and pushed the global giant to take its complaints to international court.

North Carolina Pipeline Caused the Biggest Gas Spill in Decades

North Carolina Pipeline Caused the Biggest Gas Spill in Decades

A slowly-unfolding, little-reported-on saga in North Carolina involves a company controlled by the Koch brothers and Shell, and a pipeline that has been transporting dirty energy for decades. And it has implications for pipelines everywhere across the U.S.
'Look for Power in the Shadows': Watch Sheldon Whitehouse shine light on 'Dark Money Operation' behind GOP Supreme Court takeover

'Look for Power in the Shadows': Watch Sheldon Whitehouse shine light on 'Dark Money Operation' behind GOP Supreme Court takeover

Senator Whitehouse traced the dizzying array of special interests and advocacy groups—from the Kochs to the Federalist Society to the Judicial Crisis Network—coordinating and pouring money into the effort to confirm Barrett and other far-right, corporate-friendly judges committed to rolling back reproductive rights, voting rights, climate regulations, and more.