land use policies

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A national forest sign on a dirt road in the woods
A field full of solar panels in the midst of a farm with trees and buildings in the background on a partly cloudy day.
Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro speaks with the state flag and American flag behind him.
Ontario premier Doug Ford
Investing in nature's intrinsic value

Investing in nature's intrinsic value

Imagine a market where nature's preservation, not destruction, is profitable.

Lydia DePillis reports for The New York Times.

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climate farm bill robert b semple

Robert B. Semple Jr.: America has a chance to make farming more climate friendly

Legislators took a major step in making sure that American agriculture policy has a climate lens going forward. But the next Farm Bill could derail it.
michael grunwald climate energy
Image by Greg Larcombe from Pixabay

Michael Grunwald: The climate solution that’s horrible for the climate

Corn ethanol and soy biodiesel accelerate food inflation and global hunger, but they’re also a disaster for the climate and the environment.
governors island climate campus

Governors Island to be site of $700 million climate campus

A “living laboratory” for climate solutions will rise on the idyllic 172-acre island off Lower Manhattan, led by Stony Brook University.
biden trump Izembek National Wildlife Refuge

Biden voids Trump-era deal to open Alaskan wildlife area

The administration canceled a plan that would have allowed road construction in Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.

Utah lawsuit threatens Antiquities Act

John Leshy: Utah wants to disable the law that led to the creation of four of its magnificent National Parks

A lawsuit all but invited by the country’s chief justice threatens one the most consequential authorities granted to presidents by Congress.
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AZ copper mine could advance green energy but scar sacred land

A copper mine could advance green energy but scar sacred land

Tribal groups are fighting an Arizona project whose backers say increasing the supply of copper, crucial to batteries, would reduce fossil-fuel use.