
Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
US southwestern tribes seek UN support as green energy project advances on their lands

US southwestern tribes seek UN support as green energy project advances on their lands

Tribes in southwestern Arizona are reaching out to the United Nations for assistance after a U.S. court allowed a major green energy project to proceed through Indigenous lands.

Taylar Dawn Stagner reports for Grist.

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navajo lands fossil fuels energy
Photo by Halie West on Unsplash

Industry wants new pipeline on Navajo land scarred by decades of fossil fuel extraction

Developers tout hydrogen as a clean energy source; Navajo opponents say it is another way outsiders will profit by harming their environment and health.
Forestry watchdog calls for review of old-growth logging

Forestry watchdog calls for review of old-growth logging practices in BC’s north

Both biodiversity and future supply are at risk in the large timber supply area, warns whistleblower.
Inside the Trump administration's chaotic dismantling of the federal land agency

Inside the Trump administration's chaotic dismantling of the federal land agency

Internal records from the BLM contradict what its chief told Congress about a plan to ship 200 D.C.-based career staff out West. The plan would weaken the agency, which stands between federal lands and oil, gas and mineral companies.