luma energy

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A man and woman in suits shake hands with flags of the United States, USAID and the Environmental Protection. Agency in the background.
California condor with a numbered wing band soaring against a cloud-streaked sky.
A diverse group of protesters holding signs in support of science stand at a barricade.
A Sámi woman in a fur hat feeds a reindeer from a bucket against a snowy mountain backdrop.
Schumer blasts Puerto Rico’s utility, grid manager for power failures

Schumer blasts Puerto Rico’s utility, grid manager for power failures

Fighting between PREPA and LUMA Energy and their regulators hampered efforts to rebuild the island's electric grid before Hurricane Fiona, Schumer said.
Solar power offers Puerto Ricans a lifeline but remains an elusive goal

Solar power offers Puerto Ricans a lifeline but remains an elusive goal

The island’s energy grid has struggled to recover after Hurricane María almost wiped it out in 2017. While solar-power systems can fill gaps, they aren’t cheap.
Puerto Rico power company under scrutiny for widespread outages and rate hikes

Puerto Rico power company under scrutiny for widespread outages and rate hikes

Residents, already fed up with repeated outages and rate hikes, were captivated last week by the dramatic escalation of a standoff between lawmakers and the chief executive of the island’s new energy company.
'Why don't we have electricity?':  Outages plague Puerto Rico

'Why don't we have electricity?':  Outages plague Puerto Rico

Transferring the power grid to a private company was supposed to help. But thousands protested last week over more blackouts.