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Two scientists in lab coats look at a computer screen displaying a colorful image from a molecular microscope.
A group of young, diverse scientists work in a laboratory.
Fire department personnel wearing protective gear walk along a street with the burned rubble of former homes.
Looking down on a city in the desert with mountains in the background.
rideshare uber lyft

If all ride-hailing cars were EVs, would cities be greener?

Researchers conducted life-cycle comparisons based on actual rideshare data to find out. The short answer: the benefit is pretty small.
gen z driving energy climate

Gen Z isn’t interested in driving. Will that last?

Members of Generation Z are getting their driver’s licenses at lower rates than their predecessors. The question — for American drivers and for the planet — is whether that trend will last.
lyft energy electric vehicles climate

Lyft announces new incentives to get drivers to go electric

Lyft announced on Monday a number of new partnerships and offerings for its drivers who are looking to switch to electric vehicles, as part of the company’s push to go all electric by 2030.

lyft electric vehicles prop 30 california

Newsom opposes EV ballot measure to tax millionaires

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is spearheading efforts to ban new gasoline cars in his state, came out swinging against a ballot measure that would tax rich residents to help fund electric vehicle purchases.

electric vehicles climate politics energy

Colorado's now-$5.4 billion transportation bill, broken down

A nearly $5.4 billion transportation bill under consideration in the Colorado legislature would tackle several big-ticket items at the same time — fixing and expanding highways, boosting transit and other alternatives to driving, and rapidly expanding the use of electric vehicles.

Post-COVID, ride-hail users may spurn shared trips

Post-COVID, ride-hail users may spurn shared trips

Even before Covid-19, many Uber and Lyft users avoided pooled trips. Asking people to share rides with strangers in autonomous vehicles may face the same resistance. 
uber lyft california emissions pollution

California's air pollution cops are eyeing Uber and Lyft

California is working on first-of-their-kind rules to limit emissions from ride-hail vehicles, which could force the companies to get about one-third of their drivers into electric vehicles by the end of 2030. To which the ride-hail companies say (with some qualifications): Bring it on.