mangrove destruction

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Donald Trump
Former US President Joe Biden speaks at a podium with a blue background and British and UN flags alongside him.
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The U.S. capitol building in Washington, DC on a sunny day.
Sumatran Indigenous fishers struggling
BigStock Photo ID: 137283833
Copyright: Oksana Byelikova

Sumatran Indigenous seafarers run aground by overfishing and mangrove loss

Many among Indonesia’s Duano Indigenous community have hung up their fishing nets in response to recent environmental and economic shifts.

sea level rise coastal inundation
BigStock Photo ID: 368508085
Copyright: Sweetpepper

Just four pupils left: how the sea rose up on a Thai village

The school is on stilts, the shore has advanced by 2km – and the mangroves that used to reduce the waves have been lost for shrimp farms. How long can residents stay ahead of rising sea levels?
modern cities planned for Arabian Sea islands

Pakistan′s Arabian Sea islands risk environmental disaster

Pakistan's federal government is planning to build modern cities on the Bundal and Dingi islands, which could ease pressure on Karachi, the country's financial hub. Experts say it would be an ecological catastrophe.
Pakistan′s dams threaten mangroves and livelihoods

Pakistan′s dams threaten mangroves and livelihoods

Big dams and reservoirs in Pakistan are slowly depleting its lush mangroves. The destruction is also affecting local fishermen, who have to look for alternative sources of income.