Opinioncommons.wikimedia.org Mark Z Jacobson: We don’t need ‘miracle’ technologies to fix the climate. We have the tools now Wind, water and solar energy is cheap, effective and green. We don’t need experimental or risky energy sources to save our planet.
seia.org Op-ed: California is poised to kill rooftop solar, damaging climate and health The effort to end rooftop solar is through an esoteric rule called Net Metering 3.0.
Solutions cleantechnica.com Oceans need geoengineering, not the atmosphere Solar geoengineering is a bandaid on symptoms that would leave the cause untouched, but it's unclear if that's as true for oceanic carbon geoengineering.
As Biden prepares to block the sale of U.S. Steel to Nippon Steel, pollution concerns persist in Pennsylvania
A Pennsylvania fracking company with more than 2,000 environmental violations selected for federal environmental justice funding