meat consumption
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash
Inside the beef industry's campaign to influence kids
Big Beef is wooing science teachers with webinars and lesson plans in an attempt to change students’ perceptions of the industry.
How I made my pets more environmentally friendly
Pets may be beloved members of the family – but research shows their upkeep can have a significant impact on the environment.
Photo by Lucas van Oort on Unsplash
How the best plant-based meat could come from duckweed and rubisco
A farm in California is trying to grow a plant-based protein that tastes better than its animal counterparts.
Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash
Impossible’s new “Indulgent” burger has more calories, fat, and sodium
How are we going to get Americans to dramatically cut back on their meat consumption? Give them a product that tastes just as good—or better. Impossible’s new burger is designed to do just that.
Ted Eytan/Flickr
Plant-based meat’s mistake: Focusing too much on the real thing?
Companies invested hugely in plant-based meat alternatives. But human psychology is stubborn.
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash
Is lab-grown meat actually better for the environment? Here’s how it stacks up
SCiFi Foods is producing a hybrid cultured and plant-based burger that’s better for the environment. A new study shows how it compares to traditional beef.
Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash
Catholics used to forgo meat on Fridays. Could bringing the practice back help the climate?
A recent study shows giving up meat once a week could cut thousands of tons of carbon emissions each year. While Pope Francis has called urgent climate action a moral imperative, U.S. Catholic bishops are unlikely to encourage the move.