Bean burrito or beef burrito? Restaurants try messages on menus to help diners order less meat Study finds diners who read ‘your small change can make a big difference’ on their menus chose a vegetarian dish 25% of the time. KFC, Chipotle add plant-based options to menus nationwide The chains' announcements come amid an expanding landscape for plant-based alternative meats. A French city announced it would serve meatless school lunches. The backlash was swift Lyon's move to a veggie diet for students - and the protests that followed - reveals how enmeshed meat-eating has become with cultural identity.
Solutions Can you taste the difference between plant-based meat and beef? Burger King Sweden is betting no. The fast-food chain is running a taste test on its customers.
Solutions Fancy a slice of cricket cake? Why cooking with insect powder could be the future of food Insects are a traditional food source in much of the world – particularly Asia, Africa and South America, the very regions eating more animals. Shifting consumer behaviour over here remains the biggest challenge.