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Leaders agree on G20 declaration, but it’s unlikely to drive change on Ukraine War and climate change
As the hosts of the G20 tried to steer discussions towards other issues, the Ukraine war still dominated, reinforcing the deep global divisions.
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Turning off your Zoom camera is much better for the environment
Going off camera reduces the carbon footprint of a Zoom meeting by up to 96%, according to one study.
Small islands "disappointed" as talking about emissions cuts proves too controversial for climate negotiators
A group of developing countries wouldn't talk about emissions cuts without talking about finance - but developed countries refused to accept that.
Climate change: 42% chance Earth is locked in to 1.5C warming even if all emissions stop today
The warning the world could reach 1.5C warming even if pollution stopped today sets the stage as climate negotiators meet in Bonn to discuss progress since the COP26 Glasgow talks.
COP15: Ivory Coast hosts desertification talks
The COP15 conference is meeting to address issues of land degradation, advancing deserts and deforestation. Experts and activists hope that this will not be just another high-level conference with no concrete results.
Pruitt: Meeting organized by Hugh Hewitt before EPA decision led to 'good things'
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt acknowledged Wednesday that a meeting organized by conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt last fall helped with the EPA's decision to act on a polluted California site.