melting permafrost

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Greenland’s deteriorating northern ice shelves

A major alarm is flashing under Greenland’s ice

Greenland’s northern ice shelves have lost more than a third of their volume since 1978, new research finds.
melting glaciers of Svalbard

The melting glaciers of Svalbard offer an ominous glimpse of more warming to come

New research reveals what one scientist called a “very stark image of climate change” as methane leaks from springs exposed by the glaciers’ retreat.

A warming Siberia, wracked by wildfires, nears a crucial threshold

A warming Siberia, wracked by wildfires, nears a crucial threshold

Nearly 23 million acres burned from 1982 to 2020. But almost half of that occurred in 2019 and 2020, and the region may be near a threshold beyond which extreme fires become more common.
Native guardians: Canada’s First Nations move to protect their lands

Native guardians: Canada’s First Nations move to protect their lands

Faced with mounting impacts from warming and a push for resource development, Indigenous communities in northern Canada are setting aside vast areas for protection and partnering with scientists on research that can help conserve their lands and way of life.

How climate change is threatening a key tool for Alaska Natives

How climate change is threatening a key tool for Alaska Natives

Threatened by stronger storms and a melting permafrost, Indigenous Alaskans are grappling with how to keep the power running to their freezers, which store their traditional subsistence foods.
As Alaska warms, fires burn over and under' more wild land

As Alaska warms, fires burn over and under' more wild land

Lightning storms, drought and thawing tundra are making fires more destructive. In the vast wilderness, firefighting is a major challenge.
Barrow Atmospheric Baseline Observatory climate science

On Utqiagvik's edge, an observatory measures the gases that are warming the Arctic and the planet

NOAA’s Barrow Atmospheric Baseline Observatory got a big upgrade enabling more science at a time when climate-change conditions are getting worse.