Solutions We could save trillions by paying for nature-based pandemic prevention We know pandemics come from interactions between humans and wildlife. Nature-based pandemic prevention measures could protect us in the future, as long as we fund them adequately.
Newsletter Thomas E. Lovejoy: To prevent pandemics, stop disrespecting nature A leading conservationist and biodiversity scholar, with decades of experience in the Amazon, reflects on the lessons of COVID-19.
Solutions “We don’t know what else is out there.” Five ways new diseases emerge — and what we can do about them From forests and farms to our own back yards, there's a lot we can do to reduce future risks of pandemic outbreaks.
Solutions The surprising link between consumer habits and deadly diseases From age-old malaria to COVID-19, markets influence systems that drive pandemic risk. Here's what we can do about it.
Politics Dominick A. DellaSala, William J. Ripple, Franz Baumann: Public health depends on a healthy planet Zoonotic diseases like Covid-19 are a classic example of where ecosystems and human health intersect.