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Indigenous Amazon land management
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Europe struggles with energy transition
Harris shifts stance, backs domestic oil expansion amid fracking debate
climate politics joe biden cop27

Biden's U.S. climate wins face global test

President Joe Biden will arrive at this Red Sea enclave Friday to vaunt the climate victories he won half a world away. But many officials here will be expecting him to deliver more than rhetoric about American carbon cuts.

climate politics midterms
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

Midterms 2022: A green wave on the horizon?

While control of Congress remains unsettled, races around the country reveal a growing — if precarious — tilt toward climate as a priority.
New York voted for the climate. California did not
Photo by Bill Mead on Unsplash

New York voted for the climate. California did not

It was a mixed night for the fight against climate change on Tuesday.

gop election midterms climate fossil fuels

GOP plans to offer oil, gas and trees as climate fixes in next Congress

If they prevail in the midterms, Republican lawmakers want to revisit past proposals to stem climate change, in part by ramping up domestic production of fossil fuels. 
energy politics election climate

5 state-level races that could alter the energy transition

While much of the nation’s attention is focused on how November midterm elections will change Congress, several state-level races could have wide-ranging effects on the energy sector for years.

A Democrat ran on climate change in a Republican stronghold—and won

A Democrat ran on climate change in a Republican stronghold—and won

Sean Casten's win in Illinois's 6th Congressional District is a lesson for the Democratic Party.
Midterm election results 2018: Governors will drive climate action

Midterm election results 2018: Governors will drive climate action

With Congress divided, newly elected Democrat governors are poised to charge ahead with clean energy.