Bees, butterflies and other pollinators to get a $5 million lift in Western Pennsylvania
Audubon administers portions of national conservation grants benefiting bees and butterflies.
The tribal coalition fighting to save monarch butterflies
Habitat loss and climate change are decimating the species. What can the U.S. learn from Oklahoma tribes’ efforts to restore their migratory path?
New clues to help monarch conservation efforts
Planting milkweed can help monarch butterflies, but new research shows that there’s still a lot we can learn about how to do that effectively.
Endangered-species decision expected on beloved butterfly
Trump administration officials are expected to say this week whether the monarch butterfly, a colorful and familiar backyard visitor now caught in a global extinction crisis, should receive federal designation as a threatened species.
This new plan could save monarch butterfly migration routes
The plan has landowners along the route commit to restoring and creating millions of acres of pollinator habitat that have been decimated by land development and herbicide use.
Idaho is missing the monarchs
Something catastrophically wrong happened in 2018 to monarch butterflies.
Jim Germond
Study: Number of monarch butterflies in California declined by 86 percent in one year
The march toward extinction appears to be nearing an end for monarch butterflies in California, whose numbers have declined precipitously over the last two decades.