mountain pine beetle

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Helicopter dropping water onto active fire.
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Climate lumber forests

How climate change helped fuel the U.S. lumber shortage

Bitcoin? Blasé. Gold? Going out of style. "The hottest commodity on the planet," according to Dustin Jalbert, an economist at the market-research firm Fastmarkets, is lumber.

Whitebark pine - Western Canada’s only endangered tree

Saving Western Canada’s only endangered tree

Whitebark pine is facing down the triple threat of climate change, habitat loss and disease.

As the 'red forest' encroaches, Jasper steps up measures to protect itself from wildfire

As the 'red forest' encroaches, Jasper steps up measures to protect itself from wildfire

Worries about wildfires are heating up in Jasper, as forests that have turned a rusty red colour due the mountain pine beetle offer a visible reminder of the area's vulnerability to a blaze.

Mountain pine beetles are devastating forests in the worst outbreak ever

Despite being smaller than a grain of rice, mountain pine beetles are causing big problems for pine forests across North America.
Q&A with U.S. Forest Service chief Tony Tooke, who sees collaboration as key to improving public lands

Q&A with U.S. Forest Service chief Tony Tooke, who sees collaboration as key to improving public lands

Tony Tooke, chief of the U.S. Forest Service since last fall, visited the Outdoor Retailer Snow Show seeking to broaden the coalition of people working to improve recreation on public lands.