naomi oreskes

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Americans understood climate change decades ago
Credit: cytis/Pixabay

Americans understood climate change decades ago

In the 1960s, Americans across various sectors, including government and media, were aware of climate change, contrary to recent Supreme Court opinions.

Kate Yoder reports for Grist.

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Scientists say there's a lot we can still do to slow the speed of climate change. But when it comes to "climate solutions", some are real, and some aren't, says Naomi Oreskes, historian of science at Harvard University.
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White House science office to hold first-ever event on countering 'climate delayism'

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Will coronavirus change how we think about climate change?

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'Merchants of Doubt' author advises Congress on Big Oil

'Merchants of Doubt' author advises Congress on Big Oil

Naomi Oreskes is a familiar face on Capitol Hill. The Harvard University professor has testified twice in as many weeks about the fossil fuel industry's efforts to cast doubt on mainstream climate science.