national flood insurance program

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Hurricane Ian is highlighting the limits of the insurance industry

Florida and the insurance industry weren’t built to withstand a flooded world

Hurricane Ian is highlighting the limits of the insurance industry to help navigate the climate crisis.
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How to prepare your home for severe storms and weather

With the cost and frequency of weather-driven disasters on the rise, taking steps to be ready is more crucial than ever.
flood insurance changes
Bart Everson/ Flickr

With flood insurance changes expected to wallop Louisiana, calls for more transparency mount

Tommy Phillips was so worried that he went to his insurance agent to get some answers — and they weren’t good.
joe biden climate politics

Early Biden climate test: Groups demand tougher rules on building

A new push for stricter rules in flood zones could force Biden’s team to choose: Increase construction costs, or leave people exposed to climate change.
How climate change could spark the next home mortgage disaster

How climate change could spark the next home mortgage disaster

Taxpayers are backing more than a trillion dollars in home mortgages, but the agencies buying them are neglecting to consider climate risks.
climate impacts sea level rise

Progress toward managing rising seas

Coastal communities need to prepare for both more extensive storm flooding and the permanent inundation that will follow as seas rise.
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As Miami keeps building, rising seas deepen its social divide

As Miami keeps building, rising seas deepen its social divide

As developers eye higher ground, communities of color will likely bear the heaviest burden from the changes wrought by climate change.