Photo by Frederic Köberl on Unsplash
Cynthia Houniuhi: Why I’m leading Pacific Islands students in the fight on climate change
Our voices were crucial in persuading UN states to back legal obligations to act on climate change. Here’s how we did it.
Searching the ocean for secrets to help fight climate change
By sampling prehistoric sediments in the ocean floor, geologist Hartmut Schulz hopes to identify ancient analogues of today’s warming world.
How France became the unlikely home of the insect-farming industry
France is known for its love of meat. Could the growing insect industry help to reduce agricultural carbon emissions?
Lawns are dumb. But ripping them out may come with a catch
Meticulous turf is environmentally terrible. Yet grass does have one charm: It “sweats,” helping cool the local area.
Heating up
Each year weather records are being broken around the globe; this boreal summer has seen heat records fall across Europe, America and Central Asia. These discernible effects of climate change cannot be ignored, as combined with global issues they endanger society and well-being.
How Colombian coffee farmers helped my climate-change research
Owing to climate change, Colombian coffee farmers report that their livelihoods and heritage are threatened by changes in temperature, more extreme weather events, increases in pests and disease and their inability to plan production decisions.
How science could aid the US quest for environmental justice
Research tools to identify and help protect disadvantaged communities have been in the works for years. Scientists and activists want them put into action.