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Leonard Leo’s group criticizes efforts to educate judges on climate issues
UN food agency criticized for not revising livestock emissions report
Nickel exploration ramps up in Michigan and Minnesota amid rising EV battery demand
Wildfires make it harder for forests to regrow as replanting faces major hurdles
Jesse Firempong: Canada's banks play defence for the fossil fuel industry

Jesse Firempong: Canada's banks play defence for the fossil fuel industry

With seconds left on the clock, Canada will need a buzzer-beating shot to beat climate change. This is the playoffs, baby.

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This carbon calculator will help you take action against climate change

In the fight against climate change, recent conversations and protests have pivoted to what individuals, corporations and governments can actively change to reduce their environmental impact, rather than simply create awareness around what needs to be done.

toronto canada air quality pollution coronavirus

Toronto's air quality has improved during the coronavirus pandemic

According to a recent University of Toronto analysis, cities that declared a state of emergency in February saw air pollution decrease by up to 40 per cent. The drop is attributed not only to less vehicular traffic but also factories temporarily closing.

Time for Justin Trudeau to embrace a radical agenda

Time for Justin Trudeau to embrace a radical agenda

Trudeau's minority faces the dual challenge of trying to hold on to power and, at the same time, taking the necessary action to address climate change and the crises affecting Indigenous communities.