nuclear testing

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animated image of half of Earth on fire
Wildlife populations drop sharply as habitat loss continues
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U.S. nuclear testing's devastating legacy lingers, 30 years after moratorium

U.S. nuclear testing's devastating legacy lingers, 30 years after moratorium

The United States conducted 1,054 atomic tests—costing more than $100 billion and taking an incalculable toll on humans and the environment.

Podcast: Utah’s ‘environmental nuclear bomb’

Podcast: Utah’s ‘environmental nuclear bomb’

As the Great Salt Lake dries up, toxic dust threatens to poison the air in one of the United States’ fastest-growing metro areas.
15 months, 5 trips, a gut-wrenching sight: How we reported the Marshall Islands story

15 months, 5 trips, a gut-wrenching sight: How we reported the Marshall Islands story

The Marshall Islands show that the comfort and security of the United States have not come without a price.

Steven Andreasen: Trump is quietly leading us closer to nuclear disaster

Steven Andreasen: Trump is quietly leading us closer to nuclear disaster

Underground nuclear explosive testing isn’t worth the consequences.