en.wikipedia.org Sometimes, life stinks. So he invented the Nasal Ranger For Chuck McGinley, an engineer who devised the go-to instrument for measuring odors, helping people understand what they smell is serious science.
Causes DEP cites Shell for ‘malodors’ outside cracker plant construction site Shell said the odors could be associated with anti-corrosion treatments to the plant’s cooling water tower.
Solutions www.nytimes.com See fewer people. Take fewer showers Some people said they started bathing less during the pandemic. As long as no one complains, they say they plan to keep the new habit.
Causes thefern.org A Texas community chokes on fecal dust from cattle feedlots Southwest Feedyard holds 45,000 head of cattle in bare-dirt pens for months at a time, fattening the animals on flaked corn before sending them to slaughter.