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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Shaprio Pennsylvania carbon capture
fashion industry’s plastic waste
A Maryland judge dismisses Baltimore's climate lawsuit against oil companies

A Maryland judge dismisses Baltimore's climate lawsuit against oil companies

A Baltimore judge dismissed the city's climate lawsuit against major oil companies, saying state courts cannot address global issues like climate change.

Aman Azhar reports for Inside Climate News.

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Lawmakers investigate potential shale collusion affecting federal land leases

Lawmakers investigate potential shale collusion affecting federal land leases

A group of Democratic lawmakers is investigating if shale oil companies colluded to manipulate oil prices, potentially affecting their federal land leases and operations.

Sharon Kelly reports for DeSmog.

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Manitoba's pipeline oversight faces scrutiny after recent shutdown

Manitoba's pipeline oversight faces scrutiny after recent shutdown

A recent pipeline shutdown has exposed significant gaps in Manitoba's oversight of its oil and gas industry, raising concerns about the province's regulatory practices.

Julia-Simone Rutgers reports for The Narwhal.

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Argentina faces pivotal decision with proposed oil extraction bill

Argentina faces pivotal decision with proposed oil extraction bill

A proposed bill could drive Argentina's economic future by tapping into its vast oilfields, despite concerns about environmental impacts and hindering energy transition efforts.

Sylvia Colombo reports for The Guardian.

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Tim Dunn, evangelical oil magnate, aims to boost Trump’s campaign

Tim Dunn, evangelical oil magnate, aims to boost Trump’s campaign

Billionaire Tim Dunn, a Texas oil mogul, is using his wealth to support Donald Trump's bid for the White House, reflecting his desire to influence national politics with his religious and conservative values.

Mike Soraghan reports for E&E News.

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Ecuador faces challenge in ending oil extraction in national park

Ecuador faces challenge in ending oil extraction in national park

Ecuador's struggle to honor a referendum demanding an end to oil drilling in Yasuní national park highlights deep economic divisions.

Kimberley Brown reports for The Guardian.

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Brazil weighs oil wealth against environmental commitments

Brazil weighs oil wealth against environmental commitments

Brazil's Amapá state, rich in forests but plagued by poverty, considers tapping offshore oil reserves for economic growth despite environmental risks.

Constance Malleret reports for The Guardian.

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