oil and gas wastewater

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Penn State center: Road dumping of oil and gas wastewater to control dust is environmentally unsound

Penn State center: Road dumping of oil and gas wastewater to control dust is environmentally unsound

Experts from the Penn State Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies call the road dumping of oil and gas wastewater an "environmentally unsound practice" that can cause water pollution and even damage roads.

What the latest science says about oil, gas and human health

What the latest science says about oil, gas and human health

Health and environmental scientists who specialize in the potential impacts of oil and gas production will discuss their work on Tuesday at the annual Shale & Public Health conference, hosted by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania.

You are looking at a map of future dumpsites for conventional oil and gas drilling wastewater if road dumping is approved in Pennsylvania

You are looking at a map of future dumpsites for conventional oil and gas drilling wastewater if road dumping is approved in Pennsylvania

The primary areas to be affected would be unpaved dirt and gravel roads anywhere there is conventional oil and gas drilling in the state.

PA senate passes bill to legalize road dumping of conventional drilling wastewater 26-23 without debate

PA senate passes bill to legalize road dumping of conventional drilling wastewater 26-23 without debate

Using a procedure usually used for last minute budget bills, the Senate took the vote immediately after the bill was reported out of the Senate Appropriations Committee without waiting.