oil companies

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Harris shifts stance, backs domestic oil expansion amid fracking debate
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery

Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery

Oil companies could use tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act to extract more crude from existing wells through enhanced oil recovery, which injects CO2 underground to dislodge oil.

Shelby Webb reports for E&E News.

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Quentin Parker oil climate

Quentin Parker: Oil giants must wake up to the urgency of climate change

Oil companies’ record profits for 2022 give them a chance to pivot faster away from fossil fuels to renewables. At a time when public opinion and political pressure are turning against them, they must seize that opportunity.
big lie fossil fuels antonio guterres

UN chief slams oil firms for 'big lie' on global warming

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres skewered oil firms on Wednesday for having "peddled the big lie" about their role in global warming, telling the World Economic Forum that they should be held accountable."Some in Big Oil peddled the big lie.
Exposing the financial costs of climate change – and denial of the climate crisis

Exposing the financial costs of climate change – and denial of the climate crisis

Among the top 20 global emitters from 1854 to 2010 are five U.S. companies, including the top two, Chevron and ExxonMobil.
We know their names and those of others, and the media can and should remind us of them with each new financial consequence

Administration awards Gulf of Mexico drilling leases to oil giants

Administration awards Gulf of Mexico drilling leases to oil giants

The leases from a 2021 sale were given to oil and gas companies as part of a deal with Sen. Manchin over climate legislation.

Oil executives privately contradicted public statements on climate, files show

Oil executives privately contradicted public statements on climate, files show

The documents, subpoenaed in a House investigation of climate disinformation, show company leaders contravening industry commitments.