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Computer screen with  line graphs monitoring stock market activity.
Helicopter dropping water onto active fire.
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Hannah Ritchie's optimistic view on environmental sustainability

Hannah Ritchie's optimistic view on environmental sustainability

Data scientist Hannah Ritchie offers a hopeful perspective on environmental sustainability, suggesting that the worst of planetary damage might be nearing its peak.

India Bourke reports for the BBC

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climate activist

Zahra Biabani wants Gen Z to feel hopeful about the future

The Climate Optimism author believes focusing on victories can engender more positive action.
Image by Riel Roussopoulos from Pixabay

Why people may take risks on bright, sunny days

It’s no surprise that weather can affect our mood. Bleak winter days can trigger sadness, while extra-hot days can make people feel angrier. But some research shows that unexpectedly nice weather can cloud our judgment and make us more optimistic.

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climate doomerism sustainability science

Sustainability scientist Alaina Wood is leading the charge against climate doomism

'GarbageQueen' Alaina Wood aims to inspire hope about fighting climate change, one TikTok video at a time: 'Don't let anyone convince you it's too late.'

climate education children
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Climate education that builds hope and agency, not fear

Reframing climate change education around a message of “hopeful alarm” not only will underscore the threats we face but will also show students how they can act to shape the future.
climate education children

Climate education that builds hope and agency, not fear

Reframing climate change education around a message of “hopeful alarm” not only will underscore the threats we face but will also show students how they can act to shape the future.
climate doomers rebecca solnit
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Rebecca Solnit: We can’t afford to be climate doomers

It often seems that people are searching harder for evidence we’re defeated than that we can win.