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White light bulb against black background.
Industrial plant silhouette at night
Image of the USAID web page.
EPA website with information about affordable clean energy.
rewilding ireland ecological health

Call of the rewild: restoring ecological health to the Emerald Isle

Centuries of overgrazing and deforestation have eliminated most native flora in Ireland, creating what ecologists see as a man-made desert in places. A growing “rewilding” push aims to change that.
drought threatens Kenya water supplies
Kandukuru Nagarjun/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

Drying wetlands and drought threaten water supplies in Kenya’s Kiambu County

Human activities such as dumping, encroachment and overgrazing coupled with dire effects of climate change exacerbate the degradation of wetlands, worsening the water crisis.

UK lost temperate rainforest

Lost rainforest could be revived across 20% of Great Britain

Exclusive: campaigners call for protection and careful tree-planting to help restore the temperate rainforests that once covered swathes of the country.

Saving the dragon's blood

Saving the dragon's blood

Despite a range of threats, from droughts and cyclones to goats and militarization, Socotra's iconic trees are staging a slow, patient comeback—with the help of the people who know them best.
Threats to Wyoming sagebrush sea

Report outlines threats to sagebrush sea, proposes priorities

High-level group discounts climate change as an immediate worry, recommends saving intact core areas from fire, cheatgrass and pines before restoring degraded landscapes.
Poverty-fueled deforestation threatens Kenya’s Mau forest

Poverty-fueled deforestation threatens Kenya’s largest water catchment

Despite government intervention and civil society initiatives to assuage poverty in the region, signs of fresh logging, charcoal burning and overgrazing are evident in Olpusimoru Forest Reserve.

Indigenous communities reforest Mexican desert

Indigenous communities transform a Mexican desert landscape into forest

In Tepejillo, on one of the many hills in the southern Mexican municipality of San Juan Bautista Coixtlahuaca, extreme erosion has transformed the earth into bare rock, making it difficult to imagine that the area used to be home to a forest or, even more incredibly, a civilization.