India most vulnerable country to climate change - HSBC report
India is the most vulnerable country to climate change, followed by Pakistan, the Philippines and Bangladesh, a ranking by HSBC showed on Monday.
Congo approves logging near carbon-rich peatlands
Congo's environment ministry said on Tuesday it had reinstated thousands of square kilometers of logging concessions in its equatorial forests, a move environmentalists fear could cause huge volumes of greenhouse gases to be released.
2017 second-costliest year on record for natural-disaster insured losses: Aon
Insured losses in the private sector and government-sponsored programs from natural disasters came to $134 billion in 2017, making it the second-costliest year on record, broker Aon Benfield said on Wednesday.
Ex-UN climate chief sees climate action 'explosion' in coming decade
In the next five to 10 years, the world will see an "explosion" of positive action on climate change, not only in terms of efforts to reduce planet-warming emissions but also in people's daily lives, says former U.N. climate chief Christiana Figueres.
Nineteen nations say they'll use more bioenergy to slow climate change
China and 18 other nations representing half the world's population said on Thursday they planned to increase the use of wood and other plant matter from sustainable sources to generate energy as part of efforts to limit climate change.
HSBC pledges $100 billion of finance by 2025 to combat climate change
HSBC has pledged to provide $100 billion in financing and investment by 2025 to help combat climate change, the bank said on Monday.
HSBC pledges $100 billion of finance by 2025 to combat climate change
HSBC has pledged to provide $100 billion in financing and investment by 2025 to help combat climate change, the bank said on Monday.