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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
Rocky Mountain forests burning more now than any time in the past 2,000 years

Rocky Mountain forests burning more now than any time in the past 2,000 years

Scientists studied charcoal layers in the sediment of lake beds across the Rockies to track fires over time. They found increasing fire activity as the climate warmed.
How Neanderthals adjusted to climate change

How Neanderthals adjusted to climate change

Climate change occurring shortly before their disappearance triggered a complex change in the behavior of late Neanderthals in Europe: they developed more complex tools. This is the conclusion reached by a group of researchers from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and Università degli Studi die Ferrara (UNIFE) on the basis of finds in the Sesselfelsgrotte cave in Lower Bavaria.
climate flooding sea level rise

A puzzling past sea level rise might have its missing piece

The rapid rise of global temperature over the last century is almost certainly unprecedented in recent Earth history, but our current rate of sea level rise has stiffer competition.

Climate change is revealing arctic landscapes not seen for 40,000 years

Climate change is revealing arctic landscapes not seen for 40,000 years

A new study of Baffin Island's glaciers suggests that modern temperatures represent the warmest century in 115,000 years.
Climate change could render many of Earth’s ecosystems unrecognizable

Climate change could render many of Earth’s ecosystems unrecognizable

“What we’re talking about here are the kinds of changes that disrupt everybody’s lives" paleoecologist Scott Wing said.
The Great Dying: Modern solutions from an ancient crisis

The Great Dying: Modern solutions from an ancient crisis

Bears Ears National Monument’s imperiled fossil heritage holds clues to understanding some of our most urgent questions about climate change.