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Energy priorities shift as a new administration takes hold in Maine

Energy priorities shift as a new administration takes hold in Maine

After eight years of what some call obstructionist policies, renewables advocates look forward to Janet Mills in the Blaine House.
Solar lawsuit aims to put Maine back on track

Solar lawsuit aims to put Maine back on track

A delivery charge for electricity that does not have to be delivered is a backward policy.
Maine solar advocates powerless again as House upholds LePage's veto by 3 votes

Maine solar advocates powerless again as House upholds LePage's veto by 3 votes

For the third year, a bill that would have supported the affordability of solar power among homeowners, and was approved by a majority of lawmakers, died at the hands of Gov. Paul LePage.
Effort to build offshore wind industry in Maine may hinge on 73 cents

Effort to build offshore wind industry in Maine may hinge on 73 cents

Pending action at the PUC could imperil a 2014 power contract for floating turbines off Monhegan Island that would raise electric bills less than $1 a month.

Shielded Maine wind energy commission receives pushback

Shielded Maine wind energy commission receives pushback

In shielding the commission from public scrutiny, Gov. LePage tapped a clause – or, to some, a gaping loophole – in Maine's public meetings law.

Sens. Collins and King to feds: Keep oil and gas drilling away from Maine coast

Sens. Collins and King to feds: Keep oil and gas drilling away from Maine coast

In a letter Monday to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Maine's senators say the risks of environmental and economic damage outweigh any potential benefits.