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White light bulb against black background.
Industrial plant silhouette at night
Image of the USAID web page.
EPA website with information about affordable clean energy.
Biden's ambitious energy loan program faces uncertainty amid potential political shifts

Biden's ambitious energy loan program faces uncertainty amid potential political shifts

The Biden administration's ambitious plan to fuel next-generation energy projects with more than $200 billion is at a crossroads, with potential political changes ahead casting uncertainty on its future.

Kelsey Tamborrino and Brian Dabbs report for POLITICO.

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mercury rules climate pollution

EPA restores Obama-era mercury rules for power plants, eyes more regulations in coming months

The Biden administration on Friday finalized a decision to reestablish Obama-era rules that require coal and oil-fired power plants to reduce toxic pollutants, including mercury and acid gas, that come out of their smokestacks.

Brazil elections: Lula da Silva will return to Brazil's presidency in stunning comeback

Brazil elections: Lula da Silva will return to Brazil's presidency in stunning comeback

Environmentalists meanwhile will be watching Lula da Silva’s administration closely, as it assumes governance not only over the Brazilian nation but over the planet’s largest forest reserves.

pakistan monsoon flooding climate

Pakistan minister sees climate change link to ‘monster monsoon’

Pakistan’s top climate official blamed climate change for the country’s deadliest flooding in more than a decade, as intense monsoon rains washed away villages and crops, killing more than 900 people since late June.

Schumer lobbies Democrats to back Manchin climate, tax and healthcare deal

Schumer lobbies Democrats to back Manchin climate, tax and healthcare deal

Senate Democrats met behind closed doors to discuss a revived package aimed at lowering carbon emissions and curbing healthcare costs, a day after Sen. Joe Manchin threw his support behind a deal.