
Top Tweets
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Biden announces $1.7 billion to support US EV factories
Tribes and conservationists work to save spearfishing from climate change
Vermont moves to protect pollinators by proposing pesticide restrictions

Vermont moves to protect pollinators by proposing pesticide restrictions

Vermont's legislation to limit neonicotinoid pesticides, known for harming bees, progressed through the House Committee with substantial support.

Abagael Giles reports for Vermont Public.

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butterfly conservation citizen science
Credit: Bruce Fingerhood/Flickr

Resurrecting butterflies: A tale of hope and survival through conservation efforts

Metamorphosis is both a biological process and a metaphor for the lives of the citizen-scientist inmates of Mission Creek.

Brian Payton reports for Hakai Magazine.

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Air pollution' deters moth pollination
Credit: Lisa Murray/Flickr

Air pollution's destructive impact on moth pollination

Car exhaust byproducts are disrupting moth pollination by degrading the floral scents essential for attracting these nocturnal pollinators, according to a new study published in the journal Science.

Lauren Leffer reports for Popular Science.

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solar farms

Solar farms could come with a pollinator bonus

New research shows how habitat-friendly solar energy can safeguard insect populations—and improve pollination services on adjacent farms.
counting bumblebees pollinator protections
Photo by Stacie Clark on Unsplash

To protect wild bumblebees, people have to find them first

For six years, hundreds of volunteers have counted bumblebees across the Northwest. Their data is shaping pollinator conservation nationwide.
bees pollinators butterflies farming california

Bees, butterflies and other county pollinators getting millions in support

Because of the impacts of climate change, habitat loss, disease and the use of pesticides, the number of pollinators that make so many fruits and vegetables possible are on the decline.

beekeepers struggling to preserve honeybees
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Nearly half of US honeybee colonies died last year. Struggling beekeepers stabilize population

A new survey says America's honeybee hives just staggered through the second highest death rate on record, with beekeepers losing nearly half of their managed colonies. But using costly measures to create new colonies, beekeepers are somehow keeping afloat.