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What is environmental health?
Examining a massive influence on our health: the environment.
We've been reporting on environmental health for 20 years. But what is environmental health? You've got questions, and we have answers.
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How climate change hurts kids’ health
More severe storms, rising sea levels and temperatures will affect all of us in one way or another.
Anna Morgan-Hayes: We must create rural resilience as we face rough roads ahead
As I contemplated the recent summer burn bans, I worried that perhaps my children will never remember a summer night of roasted marshmallows over a roaring campfire.
Vietnam's children and the fear of climate change
Children's drawings of nightmarish scenarios illustrate climate change's impact in the Mekong Delta.
Opinion: to truly fight climate change, we need to set our sights higher
The leaders of the Republic of Fiji and Republic of the Marshall Islands issue a renewed call for commitment by the world's nations to efforts to combat climate change.
Young activists' lawsuit seeks to phase out fossil fuel emissions
Environmentalists are hoping that a trial, due to begin October 29, will explain to the public how the government has known for decades about the dangers of fossil fuels but failed to act on this knowledge.
Millions of kids at risk of nutritional deficiencies
Rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) from farming practices, are starting to affect the food supply, notable staples such as rice and wheat.