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Top Tweets
Judges' interpretations of the law significantly impact climate policy
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Houston tackles cleanup after Gulf Coast storm damages city
Earth stays above 1.5°C warming for a year
JPMorgan Chase expanding deforestation policies under shareholder pressure

JPMorgan Chase expanding deforestation policies under shareholder pressure

JPMorgan Chase has agreed to expand its policies addressing deforestation after pressure from shareholders, led by the investment group Green Century Capital Management.

extractive industries pay little for BC water

B.C. charges mining, fracking companies little for water use: research

Some of the province's biggest water guzzlers are paying as little as 28 cents for an Olympic-size swimming pool's worth of freshwater in a system that has little transparency and does little to track the overall impact of industrial water consumption.

Out on a limb: Unlikely collaboration boosts orangutans in Borneo

Out on a limb: Unlikely collaboration boosts orangutans in Borneo

In the heart of Indonesian Borneo, a dwindling population of orangutans is getting a new lease on life thanks to a group of wildlife rescuers and medical professionals who have joined forces.

Altered forests threaten sustainability of subsistence hunting

Altered forests threaten sustainability of subsistence hunting

The way humans have changed the forests of Central and South America may be making it impossible for subsistence hunters to continue their way of life, according to two conservation scientists.

EU demand siphons illicit timber from Ukraine, investigation finds

EU demand siphons illicit timber from Ukraine, investigation finds

Lax due diligence by European companies is driving the illegal harvest of timber in Ukraine, one of the largest suppliers to the continent, according to a recent report.