receding glaciers

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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
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Glacier collapses are a growing threat
João Lopes/Flickr

Glacier collapses are a growing but hard-to-predict threat

After 11 people were killed and eight hospitalized by a glacier in early July, Italian scientists are asking how future tragedies can be avoided.
Chile reveals effects of climate change
Allan Grey/Flickr

Traveling in Chile reveals effects of climate change

The stunning beauty of Patagonia is tinged with sober reminders of the effects that climate change is having on the landscape and wildlife.
How The Big Melt will change life for people and nature

How The Big Melt will change life for people and nature

As BC’s coastal mountain glaciers recede the effects alter ecosystems. Can human engineering begin to compensate? Second in a series.
Google Earth's new time-lapse feature reveals decades of planetary damage

Google Earth's new time-lapse feature reveals decades of planetary damage

Watch glaciers melting, forests disappearing, and lakes shrinking over four decades.
Critics challenge BC mining impact report

Critics challenge report claiming B.C. mines don't impact Alaska waters

Critics raise concerns about joint B.C.-Alaska government report that had input from industry, saying the data collection methods were flawed and stakeholders weren't adequately engaged.

cable car on Kilimanjaro approved

Tanzania approves a cable car on Kilimanjaro

Here's what former government officials, local guides, and environmental experts told Outside about its possible implications on Africa's highest peak.

Indigenous guardian programs & wildlife monitors

10 Indigenous guardian programs, including Yukon’s Kluane First Nation’s, get federal funding

Kluane’s wildlife monitors will be the eyes of the nation on their traditional territory, watching for impacts of climate change and activities that harm the environment