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coal plant
Computer screen with  line graphs monitoring stock market activity.
Helicopter dropping water onto active fire.
Oil pump jack with the sunset in the background
Addressing the threat from climate variability and extremes for food security and nutrition

Addressing the threat from climate variability and extremes for food security and nutrition

The 2018 Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition is co-published for the very first time with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

Fighting climate change: Three snapshots of building resilience - Somalia

Fighting climate change: Three snapshots of building resilience - Somalia

Would you be surprised to discover that climate change is one of the biggest threats in the fight to end global poverty?

Less rain and snowfall in Afghanistan: high level of food assistance needed until early 2019

Less rain and snowfall in Afghanistan: high level of food assistance needed until early 2019

The Famine Early Warning System (FEWS) has reported that in 22 of Afghanistan's provinces, cumulative rain and snowfall during the 'wet season' – October 2017 to May 2018 – was 30 to 60 per cent below average.

Nigeria herders, farmers conflict highlights squeeze on arable land

Nigeria herders, farmers conflict highlights squeeze on arable land

Fertile land is dwindling due to climate change combined with a population boom and is fueling conflicts across the continent

New projects to boost renewable energy and improve climate resilience in Marshall Islands

New projects to boost renewable energy and improve climate resilience in Marshall Islands

The World Bank and the Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands this week launched two climate change related projects that will increase investments in renewable energy, promote energy efficiency, and enhance the country's resilience to the impacts of climate change

Zambia is stepping up efforts for a climate-resilient future

Zambia is stepping up efforts for a climate-resilient future

Zambia is highly vulnerable to climate change mainly because the livelihoods of its people are very dependent on natural resources.

Experts meet to scale up efforts to tackle climate change displacement

Experts meet to scale up efforts to tackle climate change displacement

Stakeholders from all over the world are gathered in Switzerland this week to contribute to the work of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Task Force on Displacement.