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joe biden
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Shaprio Pennsylvania carbon capture
fashion industry’s plastic waste
alaska river rust
Image by Taken from Pixabay

Alaska’s rivers are rusting

Dozens of once crystal-clear streams and rivers in Arctic Alaska are now running bright orange and cloudy—and in some cases, they may be becoming more acidic.

Why sea creatures migrate to the surface every night

Why sea creatures migrate to the surface every night

Jellyfish, plankton, and even sharks rise from the deep. Scientists aren’t exactly sure why.
planting climate trees scotland

Planting trees may not tackle climate change, researchers find

Tree planting is one of the accepted methods of tackling climate change, but now Scottish scientists have found evidence that it might not actually help to reduce carbon in the atmosphere.

climate pioneers history

Three pioneers who predicted climate change

Here are three key figures in the history of climate change - not all of whom got the recognition they deserved for their work at the time.
Great Barrier Reef bleaching: Climate change tragedy for world natural wonder

Great Barrier Reef bleaching: Climate change tragedy for world natural wonder

Human-caused climate change is causing an "utter tragedy" to one of the world's largest coral reef systems, according to Australian researchers.

Whale songs are getting deeper

Whale songs are getting deeper

Scientists have theories as to why—some worrisome, some hopeful, all involving humans.
Climate change is making animals smaller, says study

Climate change is making animals smaller, says study

Climate change is having profound effects on Earth and its ecosystems, and during the past 100 years, global temperatures have increased by close to one degree Celsius.