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coal plant
Computer screen with  line graphs monitoring stock market activity.
Helicopter dropping water onto active fire.
Oil pump jack with the sunset in the background
electric vehicles climate solutions
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

How electric vehicles and other transportation innovations could slow global warming, according to IPCC

A new international report on climate change finds rapid changes could cut emissions from transportation by 80% to 90%. Three behavior change trends could bring big improvements.
commuting climate causes

Proposed new rules to curb Colorado commuters rile businesses

The state of Colorado wants all large businesses in the metro Denver area to track what their employees do before and after work when it comes to commuting.
Global data reveals inequality of pandemic travel

Global data reveals inequality of pandemic travel

A snapshot of transportation patterns during six months of coronavirus points to divergent future paths for cities.
The other toll of Uber and Lyft rides: Pollution

The other toll of Uber and Lyft rides: Pollution

The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that the environmental impact of Uber and Lyft rides is 69% worse than the transportation modes they replace.
When the transportation revolution hit the real world

When the transportation revolution hit the real world

Ten years ago, they promised us self-driving cars. We got a scooter surge, clashes with regulators, and the brutal realities of mobility.