Politicscommons.wikimedia.org Climate activists find a way to get Germany’s attention: Stop traffic Extreme tactics have pushed the climate crisis to the top of the public discourse but also stirred debate over whether the activists are going too far.
Opinioncommons.wikimedia.org Ezra Klein: There has to be a better way to run the government Congestion pricing in Manhattan should have happened years ago. The reason it hasn’t is instructive.
Politicscommons.wikimedia.org Can Portland be a climate leader without reducing driving? The city famous for its bike lanes is struggling to cut car pollution. Now Portland faces a major battle over whether to keep expanding highways.
Causescommons.wikimedia.org How billions in infrastructure funding could worsen global warming Highway expansions tend to bring more greenhouse gas emissions. A few states are trying to change that dynamic, but it won’t be easy.
Good Newscommons.wikimedia.org How roundabouts help lower carbon emissions An Indiana city has the most roundabouts in the country. They’ve saved lives and reduced injuries from crashes — and lowered carbon emissions.
Politicscommons.wikimedia.org US goal of racial equity in infrastructure is left to states The decision about how to spend the money falls largely to state governments, raising questions about whether the package can live up to its ambition.
Politics www.nytimes.com What if highways were electric? Germany is testing the idea. An electrified highway is theoretically the most efficient way to eliminate truck emissions. But the political obstacles are daunting.