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coal plant
Computer screen with  line graphs monitoring stock market activity.
Helicopter dropping water onto active fire.
Oil pump jack with the sunset in the background
unintended consequence of the Inflation Reduction Act
Edmund Tse/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

Brett Christophers: The unfortunate, unintended consequence of the Inflation Reduction Act

The IRA will spur the takeover of our infrastructure by private entities, particularly large global asset managers, with likely negative consequences.
Utah lawsuit threatens Antiquities Act

John Leshy: Utah wants to disable the law that led to the creation of four of its magnificent National Parks

A lawsuit all but invited by the country’s chief justice threatens one the most consequential authorities granted to presidents by Congress.
How the U.S. lost ground to China in the contest for clean energy

How the U.S. lost ground to China in the contest for clean energy

Americans failed to safeguard decades of diplomatic and financial investments in Congo, where the world’s largest supply of cobalt is controlled by Chinese companies backed by Beijing.