rural economy

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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Shaprio Pennsylvania carbon capture
fashion industry’s plastic waste
Climate change threatens wine, and a way of life, in Jura

Climate change threatens wine, and a way of life, in Jura

Extreme weather has ruined grape crops throughout this small French region known for natural wine. “If it continues like this, how will we continue to make Jura wine? I really don’t know,” said one winegrower.
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For this village in India, sustainability is rooted in tradition

For this village in India, sustainability is rooted in tradition

“They want to drink from bamboo because it’s the original plastic.” A grassroots industry is emerging from a generations-old practice.
Ohio Valley outlook: Expect a slower regional economy in 2020

Ohio Valley outlook: Expect a slower regional economy in 2020

The Ohio Valley’s economy could see slower growth in 2020 amid continued anxiety about trade, and possible downturns in both energy and manufacturing.
In Portugal, mines aren't for the taking

In Portugal, mines aren't for the taking

The lithium mining industry is proving controversial in rural Europe.
Shell tells community meeting that ethane cracker in Beaver County is at peak employment

Shell tells community meeting that ethane cracker in Beaver County is at peak employment

Shell officials told a group of residents Thursday night that they are nearing completion on a pipeline that will feed the Beaver County ethane cracker.
Pittsburgh mayor’s comments set off controversy over petrochemical industry’s impact to Western Pa.

Pittsburgh mayor’s comments set off controversy over petrochemical industry’s impact to Western Pa.

In speaking out against the petrochemical industry, Bill Peduto has kicked over a hornet's nest among the region's business and political class.

Shale gas stymies efforts to combat climate change

Shale gas stymies efforts to combat climate change

Researchers say big investments in gas as bridge fuel will slow the switch to renewables needed to mitigate impacts of a changing climate.