saving rainforests

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World’s biggest meatpackers buying cattle from deforesters in Amazon

World’s biggest meatpackers buying cattle from deforesters in Amazon

JBS, Marfrig and Frigol, among the world's biggest meat producers, have been buying cattle from ranches associated with illegal deforestation and slave labor, an investigation by Repórter Brasil has found.

Congo government opens Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park to oil exploration

Congo government opens Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park to oil exploration

Conservationists were alarmed that the government would consider opening up parks and peatlands of international importance for oil exploration.

’Livestock revolution’ triggered decline in global pasture: Report

’Livestock revolution’ triggered decline in global pasture: Report

The report's authors also say that technological solutions could help meet rising demand for meat and milk in developing countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, without reversing the downward trend.

Chinese banks risk supporting soy-related deforestation, report finds

Chinese banks risk supporting soy-related deforestation, report finds

China imports more than 60 percent of the world's soy, meaning that the country could play a major role in halting deforestation and slowing climate change if companies and banks focus on stopping deforestation to grow the crop.

Forests scramble to absorb carbon as emissions continue to increase

Forests scramble to absorb carbon as emissions continue to increase

Forests around the world are absorbing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but they still can't keep up with the sheer volume of the global-warming gas being emitted through human activity, a new study has found.

Land rights, forests, food systems central to limiting global warming: Report

Land rights, forests, food systems central to limiting global warming: Report

Land-based options offer the best solutions to help nations meet their Paris carbon reduction goals and limit warming to 1.5 degrees C, says study in response to new IPCC climate report.